Babushka · Babykins · parenting · Pregnancy

Didi got kicked!!

And I am sooo soo excited!!
Today,after Babushka woke up from her nap,she was sitting in my lap! Ohh Look! I made a rhyme!!LOL!
And just before,she climbed up,Babykins had jammed her hand or leg at an angle and somehow I knew that he/she is going to kick now.. OMG! I must have just finished the thought and came a solid kick-from my tummy to Babs!!
Babs opened her eyes and frowned,I told her it was the baby.. and a smile lit up her face-just as I knew,it would!
I loved,loved the moment.. and the fact that I knew,what both my babies were going to do at the very moment-I can’t even put it in words,how that made me feel!!

24 thoughts on “Didi got kicked!!

  1. Ohh I am waiting for that moment πŸ™‚ I so wanna see that smile on Aryan’s when he feels the lil one for first time πŸ™‚


  2. Awwww that made me smile Trish πŸ™‚ What a lovely feeling that must hv been πŸ™‚ hugs!

    And eh, that ws a good rhyme πŸ˜›


  3. Thats so sweet. The whole experience of having the 2nd one is so much more precious because of the presence and reactions of the first πŸ™‚ Muaaah To Babushka!!


    1. Awww…exactly!!!exactly!!! I think this time is more exciting because of Babushka!! She even felt the baby move before SD did..and frankly,she is the one,who is more excited!!


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