
So much to tell you..

Where do I begin..Should I first tell you about Babychino,who has learned to stand up?Yes,as if crawling wasn’t enough,she has learned to stand up. She crawls at full-speed to the nearest Pull-yourself-up station-the couch or the ottoman or Babushka’s study table or even the nearest person and stands up!She doesn’t like sitting down anymore..and she doesn’t get tired!She is standing up in her crib and also moving sideways,holding the crib railing!Don’t believe me?Have a look-

And now Babushka’s big news- Babushka started big school.She is a Preppie now..going to school 5 days a week,6 hours every day.I cannot believe it still. The first day was on Friday- 3rd feb and SD took the day off.After we dropped her off,SD and I didn’t want to stay home.It was so unnatural,having just one kid around us. We stepped out for coffee and found ourselves,sitting at Babushka’s favorite table. The hours were going so slow that day. On the first day,she just told me,to go,once she settled down..Just like that..no tears,nothing..just hugged me and said,’you could go outside with Papa too’..It was harder for me to let go.Here’s my big girl,all ready for school-

When she came home,she told me that she missed me. Today was her 4th day in the new school and she said,she didn’t want me to go away.She wanted mumma and her sister to stay with her. They were going to get treats later,since it was someone’s birthday..hopefully that would cheer her up.

Finally coming to me..I am mission weight-loss again.This time for good. I didn’t mention anything earlier-because everytime I talk about it..I lose interest..but this time,I have kept at it from the 1st of January and as of today,have lost 4 kgs. This is on top of the 10 odd kgs,I lost since BabyChino’s birth!This is an ongoing process,so please bear with me,while I bore you with my weight-loss details,in the future! No,I am not sharing any of my pictures just yet..I will ..all in good time!:D

And now that Babushka is at school..I am hoping to go blog hopping again..first step is to be regular here!!!

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10 thoughts on “So much to tell you..

  1. Kala tikka to both the kiddos..they are so cute rey :):)

    Errr…thoda weight loss gyan sharing please do…here the dresses are bursting out of their seams 😦


  2. hmm start from anywhere and everywhere 🙂
    blesss the little ones…

    all the best with the wieght loss , I wish i can do it ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    lovely pictures … Both of them are growing up .. time flies

    take care and keep posting


  3. The girls look super-cute! And awesome weight loss. I’m trying to lose some too, but not feeling too inspired for it yet. I saw your couch to 5 K thingy, would love to do that myself.


    1. Thanks Priyanka..motivation has always been my weakpoint..I am pushing myself and finding training buddies..I love the couch to 5K! I didn’t realise what a high running can give you:)


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