Babushka · Birthday

4 in 4!

Babushka’s b’day is coming up. In 4 days,she will turn 4!
The celebrations this year are mostly outsourced and I can’t stop feeling guilty about it.
She’ll be in school that day and her school has a policy against home-made stuff.. So,I am thinking of ordering a mini donut-tower from dunkin donuts-either that or just cadbury Freddos,that she can hand out at the end of the day.
As for the birthday party,this year we booked a party hall in an indoor play center. I would have loved to have an outdoor-park party,but the weather here is crazy this time of the year.
I sent out e-invitations from here and for the two invitations,to be handed out in her Kinder,SD just got a print of the e-invitation and I stuck it on a blank card.

This has to got to be the simplest,most basic invitation,I ever made.Heck!Its plain even when I compare it to the ones made by a 10-year old me..
Anyway, the cake has been outsourced too..Outsourcing the cake was the hardest for me.. Babushka and I started planning the cake,right after her third birthday party was over…I am not kidding you…I thought and thought and finally with a heavy heart contacted a local cake decorator.. And I was amazed by her enthusiasm..Looking forward to the final cake… I have been baking more and more to get over the guilt..but,I figured, BAbushka would rather have a happy,relaxed mother v/s one doubling over with sciatica or back ache..tired and grumpy.
The food again has been ordered at the party place,for the same reason.
The only thing I need to take care of is the Loot bags.. And I am planning to go all crazy with those! πŸ™‚
Gosh!I can’t believe my little girl is turning 4!

18 thoughts on “4 in 4!

  1. No home made products – why would a school have a rule like that?

    One thing I have learned from my parenting the hard way is ‘guilt free parenting’. Trust me it will come in handy when you have the 2nd one.


    1. I knoww..i was quite surprised at that rule too.. specially coz all of last year,I baked for friend’s kids n even for Babushka’s activity group..I hope I learn the ropes of guilt free parenting.. right now,I am like tormenting myself,over every small thing:P


  2. Yeah you did the right thing..its better to be relaxed and attend the party than being tired of all the cooking and baking..You can of course cook and bake for her later also..don’t feel guilty..Hugs to you..

    I can’t believe Babushka is going to be 4..My little one is going to be 2 in June..I am sure I am going to cry..


  3. My son’s preschool also has a strict policy against no home snacks for bdays…infact most schools say a big NO. Only packed store bought stuff.

    My son is turning 3 in April & I am super excited about his bday party…more than he is.

    Good that you’ve outsourced most of the stuff……B & SD don’t want a tired & grumpy mama on the day of the party. Get over the guilt…you’ll have loads of parties to plan & execute in the coming years.

    We’ll wait for more details & pics too πŸ™‚


    1. Actually,when I think about it,pre-packed sounds better and non-messy.. but still πŸ™‚
      WOWW another arien baby-when in April?.. Can’t wait to hear about the party you plan..I do hope you’ll email me the details.
      As for this party details,n pics-they’ll follow soon!


  4. No home made food? thats sounds weird na..I thought you wrote it wrong till I read the comments!
    Happy bday in advance to sweetie..and its okie to outsource na…you cant be pregnant and work for bday parties right?


    1. Yeah I am not too happy about that.. but I guess with the amount of allergies here.. they just want to be safe than sorry. But whats weird is in Babushka’s class-she is the only one,with any kind of food allergy!
      Thanks in advance for the bday wishes!! πŸ™‚


  5. and I so wish I cud hv one of those loot bags πŸ˜› πŸ˜›
    U hv taken a good decision there Trish πŸ™‚ ofcourse Babushka wud luv to see a relaxed Mom with her on her special day and so would Babykins too πŸ˜‰


  6. Relaxing is the best way to go to celebrate kids birthday. Kids pick up on stress like no other and why spoil her day. πŸ™‚

    Happy 4th birthday little Babushkha..oops can we still call you little? πŸ™‚


  7. You know…in the past seven years, I’ve done it all…parties at home, parties in restaurants, parties in video game parlours, catered food, home-made food, hired entertainment with lots of games that have me tearing my hair out…and each time, the outcome is the same — the kids have a blast. At they end of the day, they just need each other, chips, soda/juice and the cake…and they couldn’t be happier!

    So relax and enjoy your little girls birthday! She’ll have a blast and you will too! Birthday wishes to Babushka!


    1. Hiii M4!
      Actually,you know you are right.. kids just have a way or the other!!as long as they have their friends,something to gulp,gobble..doesn’t even matter what- And yes,most importantly,get their gifts!!:D
      Actually as I type this,I can imagine,Babushka at the play center,her face flushed with excitement.. only wanting to be on the bouncy castle..just stopping in between to gobble a nugget or two!!:D
      Thanks for the Birthday wishes!


  8. I want one of those loot bags too! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

    And am waiting to see this cake you’ve spoken of! And I can blame you for having swung open the drool gates with the pics! πŸ˜†

    Hope Babushka’s (i LOVE this name) special day is as delightful as planned, with a happy mumma too!

    ((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))) to the little big girl turning 4!


    1. Hahahaha deal provided I get one of your beautiful creations πŸ™‚
      Thanks for the wishes and hugs πŸ™‚ And I love Babushka too!!!
      Ohh as for the cake.. here’s a hint: its going to be chocolateyy-inside!!


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