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June chatterbugs

For the lack of a better title..:)
Woww!! We are in the 6th month of 2010..technically half the year is over:)or is it?
I know last month,at the beginning of the month,I promised to announce a giveaway..I haven’t been able to do that.The month just zoomed by..Winter blues affect all of us..but,sadly,its affecting my little star too!
Every afternoon,at nap time,she fights..well,thats not new,but these days,the fights are different.Her voice has an edge to it…I asked her one day…whats wrong?don’t you want to sleep?She said,she wanted to …but she didn’t want her good day to go away! Awww..I knew it then:) It was the winter blues.She doesn’t like the darkness that falls,early evening.Every day,after she wakes up,from her nap..she frets..and whines and cries..”I dont want my good day to go away..I dont like night..I am scared.I want my good day back!”How do I bring her good-day back?
So,we have set a new winter routine..we are out in the mornings..almost every other morning we are out-from morning to noon…playgroup,story-time,play area at the mall and school!So,atleast 3-4 days in a week we spend the morning outside.Somedays I pack a lunch for her,some days,we come home and eat it.But all these going out,means my house work,my craft,everything takes a back seat!My oven is cold:( The day we dont go out,she is upset…but I need a break too!
Speaking of breaks,the one thing that NEVER takes a break is the Diva’s mouth..She is big chatterbox..her mouth opens before her eyes do,REALLY! And from that moment on,nonstop she talks-when I am walking,when we are eating,when she is in the toilet,when I am in the get the idea.
Oh about the toilets,she doesn’t need our help any more.She goes on her own and when she comes back,she tells me,”Mumma I went on my you say,Good job!” The only time she needs me,is when she is doing the big job,even then the talking doesn’t stop…”Mummmmaaaaa,I am doing potty..don’t come here and bother me..Mummaaaaaaa..come here,ek baat toh suno..When I finish I will call you..Mumma can you close the door,nahi toh,I will feel shy….blah blah blah..”I am telling you she doesn’t stop talking!
Today,I told her woww..Aadya,Its the first of June..and thats all she needed,she started”June..achcha,my Papa’s Bday comes in June and your birthday comes in February and my birthday is on March 30th and I am three!!” I said,hmm..And to that,I got told off,”Mumma dont talk like that..say it nicely,say very good Baby!”
God!this feels good..This meaning,blogging again!:) I feel so happy after writing..DH is sitting across from me and wants to know,whats making me smile..well its writing this post..anticipation of hearing from you:) There is so much I want to write and share..I hope I can write everything before I forget..
We have been “crafting” a lot.. at the playgroup sessions,during story time,in school and at home..I will share all the crafts,here this month.Now,about the giveaway,I am going to announce it tomorrow..and I think it is going to be something handmade!! so,don’t forget to check back tomorrow.And if you think,handmade is not your can say so too!
Hope you have all been good,sorry,I havent blog-hopped lately..will be over at your blogs,soon.
More later,my lovelies..

15 thoughts on “June chatterbugs

  1. oh so aadya is becoming big chatterbox :).. But kids are so sweet.. Their talks just make everything forget.. They are so fun to be with.. Enjoy this phase, as once she grows up, you will not be able to get these fun. I know, i dont have any experience with kids, but i was with my nephew of one and half years for around 10 days and she just stole my heart. She was just too cute..


  2. 🙂 I KNOW!!! they talk sooooooooooooo much!!! 🙂 no wonder u r busy.. with all that baking u r doing.. My God!!! I can’t wait to see all the crafts u both made. Do share them soon.
    N I want that handmade giveaway!!! Nobody ever gifts me anything 😉 n I so want to win something too. LOL. I feel like participating in my own artsy-craftsy sometimes just to win something.


  3. Mamma, pls say it nicely … I luvvvv Aadya’s non-stop chatter 😛 Pls write more such posts Trish 🙂
    Sigh! I hope u dnt go away again .. plsssss!

    Waiting for the giveaway 😛 😛 Handmade things make me happier 😉


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