Mall · Munchkin Mania · parenting · play-time · Tales from Aadyaland

Play-date and a Meltdown averted

First of all,Thank you everyone,who took the time to write to me,after my last post.I still don’t know,what could have triggered that meltdown. I am guessing,it was hunger,mixed with waking up at a strange HOT place. Well whatever it was,left me tired and scared.
So,two days after that,when we got asked to a play-date at the same mall,I was not too thrilled.But,I didn’t want to miss out on meeting some friends and so agreed to go.
We had decided to meet near the play-area.Now, this is a place,that we go to at least once,sometimes twice a week. But, that day,Aadya refused to get out of her stroller. Have I mentioned,how much she loves her new stroller? She will happily sit in it for hours,if we just keep moving.Now,grocery-trips and walks are good fun for us too.So,she refused to get out of her stroller..I forcefully got her out,she saw the kids and was happy.Then,I took off her shoes.Have I mentioned,shoes are the next favorite on her list?The moment she wakes up,she goes off toddling,to look for her shoes and then demands”Mumma,Thiss”-the shoes need to be put on then.And she walks around all day,wearing those shoes..Sometimes,wearing just her diaper and the shoes.
Anyway,not to digress,I quickly took off the shoes,distracted her and took her to the place,where my friend was sitting.Now Aadi always runs off to play,as soon as we get inside the play=area.But that day she saw,my friends baby,S.S was hanging on to her mommy and so Aadi,tried to be friends with her. first said Hi, then,tugged at her hand,pointed at the tunnel.That didn’t work.Then,this little doll,went and hugged S.They are the same age and so,it was nice,watching them,together.Both the girls,were such opposites..Aadi,open,uninhibited and S,shy,reserved. S, was getting scared..and I sat down,next to Aadi and had a little mommy-baby talk with her,about how S was upset and didn’t want to play then..and could she go and play with some one else.I dunno how much she understood,but she left S alone,after that.
Another friend arrived with her two boys.The younger one is almost one and he was clutching a small box that had some raisins it ,for his snack. The box was an attractive yellow,that Aadya fancied,almost immediately.But who cares about such small things when,you can run and play. But,she didn’t forget.
We came out of the play-area and gave the kids their snacks.Also,each one passed around their snack boxes for the other kids to share.And when the box of raisins came along,Aadi wanted the whole thing. She was munching on her grapes, but refused to let go of that. I picked up a couple raisins and passed it along.
Now, she got really angry and showed me the FINGER! Err..Her forefinger,threatening to shove it up her nose!eww I know. This is the newest “cool thing”.one or two times,I saw the finger hovering around the nostril and said NO! And since then,the little brat knows that its something that bothers mommy and so,every time she is angry with me,she threatens to put her finger in her nose.So,she showed me the finger and I said,”No,Don’t be angry.That’s not yours, you can eat your grapes.”She asked for the raisins again.Again,I said No! And this time,the finger went up the nose. I glared at her, pulled it out,sneaked glances at my girl-friends.Everyone was busy with their little ones. By now she got upset and started crying.I excused myself and took her for a walk. A short quiet walk..she stopped crying and called out to me. I stopped walking and hugged her,offered her some water,wiped her hands and offered her the grapes again. This time she took the grapes. I let her eat the grapes,while I spoke to her quietly. When she finished her snack,we joined the group again. This time she was calmer and happier..working her charm on everyone .:)
I am so glad,I wrote about her last melt-down and I am so glad,that you all took the time to write to me..
The rest of the play-date was so much fun..Almost everyone,wanted to take her home with them šŸ™‚ and one time,she even waved bye-bye to me ..and refused to come,when i stretched my arms,out to her.
Guess, all’s well.I Haven’t been threatened with the finger in the last two was the weekend and we were busy clinging to daddy..both,mom and baby.The last time,she got angry,she threatened to switch off the TV..and glared at me with the same stern look,that I give her. How, Oh how,does she know,what is more important when?
And speaking of how does she know,how does she know,the difference between a yellow ball and yellow Laddu(sweet)? The ball,she plays with and the laddu,she pops in her mouth even without being prompted! I know for sure,I didn’t teach her that! So,how does she know??

8 thoughts on “Play-date and a Meltdown averted

  1. :)read the previous post and quite amazed at the way you handled it! i am sure i would have whacked kabir! :(glad the next play date was fun in any case!she is one helluva smart girl!! showing the finger!! thats really funny!cheers!abha


  2. hey trish :)that meltdown in the last post sounds scary – i’m not sure what we’d have done. with noo, taking her to a quiet corner and holding and letting her cry helps. afterward she’ll just collapse on my shoulder and sleep it off. but bear in mind, we haven’t had one that was of that scale yet – like aadya’s i mean. and now that i’ve said it, i’m sure to see one, huh?and yes, please, would you do a post on the transition from bottle to sippy cup?you know kids are wayyy smarter than we give them credit for! i shouldn’t need to clean anymore, for all the time my jaw spends on the floor!


  3. Mama-mia- :)trust me the finger is not so funny when you are the one watching it!!LOLNeera- yes..I wonder how they know when to push which buttons.Swati-Thank you :)Mona-HEy babe..keeping my fingers crossed that you wont see one like that for the longest time:D..And yes..The post on transition will be up real soon.Emaan- aww shweetie..thanx for letting me know..and are most welcome to come over anytime..or we’ll come over, next time we are around.Kiran-Welcome and thanx for the come back šŸ™‚


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