

So many things on my mind….. I dunno what to write!
Aadi is already sleeping..she is sick,poor baby.Ear infection again!I really don’t know what to do about her recurrent ear infections.
To add to the fun,not!,I am suffering from Sinus infection for over a week.Now both of us,are on antibiotics..not a lot of fun!I hate sinus infections and wouldn’t even will it on my worst enemy..wonder who that is!!LOL!
To add to my joy misery,is the letter that arrived last week,saying that Aadi didn’t get a place in the school of our choice.I was adviced to choose between 4 schools,atleast 30 minutes drive from here.I don’t think I am going to do that.We will just take our chances and wait.Fingers crossed that she gets the school of our choice in the next list.
Anyway,another thing thats bogged me down is the decision between-
A) Doing a certificate course in Pathology
B) Doing an internship-in labwork

Now,here’s the deal- I need to pay the same X amount for both. The course is something I am reallyyyyyyyyyyy interested in..and there are jobs too. But,I don’t know,how soon or when.But,it is course,I have had my heart set on for a longgggggg time.
Doing the internship- if I am lucky,I can get a paid internship ..but its an if.but it is tempting to get into something paid. but,I will be paying to practice for something I already know.
What do you think is a better option?

Hope you all had a great Ganesh Chaturthi and a very happy Eid.

12 thoughts on “Random..

  1. My vote goes for the course in pathology.. always better to learn a new skill and it helps that you are realllly interested in it. Good luck.


  2. Oh dear! get well both of u. hugs 🙂
    I am down (?) with a cold too for 2 days now. Coupled with all the festival strain, all I want now is to go lie down 😛 😛

    Gud luck for the school and whatever course u choose too 🙂


  3. Awww…hate sinus infection! Well, I just got to know that giving Garlic chi dhuri helps in ear infections and also if you put 1-2 drops of garlic oil in the ear it helps.
    Do the course in Patho..specially since it gives you the certification and it just shows your committment towards the subject. You can always do the paid internship along with or after the course work. –Just my opinion.


    1. Awww thanks..I shud try the garlic dhuri..garlic oil..i do that.
      And yes..i am leaning more towards the patho course too.will update what i finally go with,when i have a confirmation.


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