
Day 5,6,7…

..Were spent being sick..VERY sick. What I thought was just cold and flu,turned into a full blown Asthma attack and a very scary one too. I had to take time off work and spent the day at the doctors,getting doses of ventolin,through nebuliser and extra oxygen. The good thing was,it was a saturday and got away with just the doctor’s treatment room and not a hospital stay.SD dropped me off and stayed home with the kids and then came back to pick me up,when I was ready to go home.

SD banned the laptop and I spent the last 2 days,on the bed,couch sleeping,playing with yarn.Today he is at work.A friend took Aadi to the park and Anan was taking a nap.I was filled with a sudden burst of energy and decided to do the laundry,and vacuum the living room..And I did..and then ended up wheezing..:( not a good idea..Now,I am on the couch with my legs stretched and the laptop on my lap.

That’s Day 8 post for you.. Hope your weekend was better than mine:)

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