Babushka · general · Pregnancy

wish it was still wednesday:) Post 9

I really dont know what to write today!
It was a long rainy cold day.. I woke up with a heavy head..and kept Babushka home..I really didn’t feel like going out in the rain..even in a cab.Luckily,I had spoken to her teacher yesterday and told her,that Babushka might miss a few sessions,if I wasn’t well.And she said,not to worry.Still I feel guilty..I know its just playschool.. and she is not missing anything except fun time with her friends.. but still..Aah motherhood and guilt go hand in hand..

Anyway,all day today,we I just rested on the couch.. and Baushka read books, chattered non-stop,watched more than enough TV.Then in the afternoon,I got up and we baked cookies..and then I was sitting down tired and she came and gave me a hug and said,”Come on,cheer up,now..:)” hehee…

Before I end this random post.. I would like to say,sorry to all you sweeties,Sorry that I am not regular on your blogs and also not prompt about approving comments..I promise,I will be over on your blogs..really soon.. I promise..till then,Thank you for not giving up on me!
Love and hugs to everyone!

16 thoughts on “wish it was still wednesday:) Post 9

  1. Hey SM, you please take care of yourself..Don’t worry abt missing few days at school..She will have more fun being with you 🙂 and don’t feel bad not able to blog hop, sometimes our priorities won’t allow us..Take care..


  2. Whoa! Sorry and all that, huh 😉
    U take gud care Mumma! Our blogs will be where they r 😉
    Babushka is so sweet 🙂


  3. Awww! I hope she is better…even I get these pangs of guilt when I dont send R to playschool…RD feels I am mad 🙂 and loved her line of cheering you up 🙂


  4. But but aint it days like this that gibve us memories down the lines… a memory of a afternoon spent baking cookies.. now aint tht a warm n a happy momenet to hol onto….


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